6 Points of Perserverance

Year after year the mental and emotional struggle of not accomplishing your goals creates a disheartening feeling of failure. Maybe life has thrown you some curve balls unexpectedly and you can’t believe for the life of you why things are going wrong for you or you can’t seem to get on your feet. Do you feel everyone else is making it happen and you are still in the same place or worse?

Are you tired of being rejected from peers when you come up with an idea that you feel can change your life? Is hope fading because of the lack of support from those you love and you constantly buy the opinions of those who don’t have what you desire?

Sometimes we get motivated and see part of the vision because of a program on television that inspired you or you went to a workshop and all the speakers were talking directly to you, then that voice started telling you success has no place for you or they will say………..