7 Keys to Develop and Sustain Relevancy

I love the innovation in today’s world with this current generation.  They have a ton of creativity to be shared. Rather it’s through various styles of art, entertainment or technology it’s an exciting time despite the adversity in our communities with this huge relationship gap that exists between the young and older.

Mommy you don’t understand, daddy you just don’t get it……..

5 Fundamental Principles of Communication

Trying to get your point across to another individual can be a challenge for many people on a daily basis. The challenge at work of trying to get your boss to see that you’re doing your best,  your spouse that you do love them, and your children that you are only one person. Sometimes it’s the multiple conversations going on in your own head about this and that leaving you indecisive and uncertain about what you believe or desire.

It’s all about effective communication! I know you’ve heard that before. I have for years and years and years. The struggle of trying to understand other people’s passions and view points and the disappointment they have when you don’t get what they are trying to say or see the value in what they’re talking about.

How do we speak the same language and not understand each other?

I grew up a middle child between two boys. I always felt squeezed, left out and misunderstood. An older brother who got all of the older brother attention and a younger brother who got all the baby boy attention. So, I never really having a voice. I became insecure and timid whenever I had to say something that challenged me. The fear of not being heard feeling rejected or left feeling stupid gripped my emotions and caused me to cower. I realized I was suffering from a lack of confidence in myself due to a lack of consistent engagement from the people I trusted the most, my parents.

Don’t get me wrong, growing up in the Shorter household was far from the worst. We had a great upbringing but the longing for conversation that focused on my needs and desires or even my thoughts and opinions would have help me long-term create confident dialogue as well as offer value about what I had to say in any given situation.

The practice of engagement allows the brain……..